Axiell FotoWare image plugin

The Axiell WebAPI image server configuration

From WebAPI version, an Axiell.Fotoware.Plugin.dll plugin for the Axiell WebAPI is available to allow the retrieval (not the ingest) of images from a FotoWare DAMS. In the functionality was still revised. As all other plugins it allows you or your Axiell system to use getcontent calls to communicate with the DAMS-specific API via the Axiell WebAPI. An appropriate configuration in adlibweb.xml is all you need to retrieve digital content via wwwopac.ashx getcontent queries. For FotoWare you need a configuration similar to the following:

<!-- Image server settings -->
<imageServerConfiguration name="fotoware">
    <ImagePlugin type="Axiell.Fotoware.Plugin.FotowarePlugin, Axiell.Fotoware.Plugin">

As you can see there are just 6 elements to configure:

  • Host: the domain part of the URL to the Fotoware repository (the DAMS)
  • ArchiveUrl: the remaining part of the URL to the Fotoware repository
  • UniqueIDField: the Fotoware field containing the unique ID of the asset
  • ClientId: the unique id of the client as provided by the Fotoware repository
  • ClientSecret: the secret client key as provided by the Fotoware repository
  • MaxSize: optional size limit for getting renditions (or previews) from Fotoware. See below for a list of previews with their size values. When a MaxSize is configured and there’s no width and height used on the getcontent request, the preview retrieved will not be of a higher size than the configured MaxSize value.


  • 0 (size = 800, width = 800, height = 675)
  • 1 (size = 1200, width = 1200, height = 1013)
  • 2 (size = 1600, width = 1600, height = 1350)
  • 3 (size = 2400, width = 2400, height = 2025)
  • 4 (size = 200, width = 200, height = 169)

Getting the original rendition (available from version

Simply add &original=true to the Web API call to get the original rendition. The plugin will try and get the original rendition for the requested image. If there’s no original rendition href found, then the plugin (with the image server config fallback attribute set to true) will fall back to what it would return otherwise. Very large images will still be resized because the maxWidth and maxHeight values are set to 1000 by default to prevent super large image downloads. You can bypass that by explicitly setting those properties to 0 in the fotoware image server configuration in adlibweb.xml like shown below:

<!-- Image server settings -->
<imageServerConfiguration name="fotoware" fallback="true">
    <ImagePlugin type="Axiell.Fotoware.Plugin.FotowarePlugin, Axiell.Fotoware.Plugin">